It wasn’t even light
yet and we were already arguing about directions. Heavy fog filled the air as
well as my head; the remnants of that extended bourbon nightcap. I turned “Running with the Devil” up a little
louder on the CD player as The Beast barked out directions and tried to get the
navigational app up on his phone. I drove to the end of the road the house he
had rented was on and turned right toward coffee.
“We should have
turned left…” was all I heard from my navigator.
“I have the ugliest
wife in fly fishing”, I said as I rolled down the window to let fresh air hit
my face. He either didn’t hear me or was saving a reply for later.
I first met Mark
Seymour out on the Vineyard during the Derby five years ago. Outside of fly
fishing we don’t agree on much. It makes for some interesting conversations.
Somebody mentioned a while ago that we are like the Odd Couple. I hope it’s the Lemmon/Matthau version.
Regardless, there’s a mutual respect between us built from spending a lot of
time together in cold water, cramped quarters, crowded bars, shitty fishing
conditions and Steve Bechard’s hedges. The guy doesn’t stop. Wind, weather, breaking
fish, no signs of fish…he just keeps at it.
Because of this I started calling him “The Beast” a few years ago.
On this morning we
were headed to the Cheeky Fishing Schoolie Tournament. Beast has been my
fishing partner in it since its debut in 2012. Our team name is “Team Dirtbag”.
He’s a wine guy, I’m a tequila guy but we will both drink warm cheap beer, especially
if it’s free. It fits. We have never done well. Not for the lack of effort – in
the 2013 tourney we caught over 100 fish between the two of us. They were just
all really small.
I had spent the
previous two weeks working everyone I knew on Cape Cod for information on where
the fish were. I had a plan and felt confident. At the pre-tournament get
together the night before at The Sand Bar I had talked to some guys who had
fished that day and what they had run into fit right into all the intel I had
been gathering. Beast and I looked at maps on his fancy phone, agreed on an
access point and settled down with fish tacos and PBR’s. With good intentions
we left to turn in early. Good intentions were met with bad influences when we
got back to the house and Beast’s business partner Stephen greeted us with a
bottle of bourbon. The night was long and sleep was short.
Photo courtesy of Cheeky Fishing |
After getting coffee
we found our way back to The Sand Bar and stood in the parking lot with 140
other anglers waiting for the start of the Tournament. It was an
impressive group gathered there in the fog. At 0600 the official “start” was
announced and seventy one teams spread out over Cape Cod. Beast and I headed to
our secret location and found a few teams already there in obvious spots. We
had two options; stay in one place and fish it hard all day or go gypsy and keep
moving around. Beast and I had agreed based on the reports, wind forecast
and tide that we would stay in this place and just keep at it. The water looked
fishy. I had a good vibe going. We kept moving as the fog burned off and blue
sky appeared. We found a flat off a sod bank with good visibility and structure
that was holding bait and settled in to grind.
Photo courtesy of Cheeky Fishing |
And grind we did. At
0823 I was tight to eighteen and a half inches of striped bass. Not a great
fish but it was a start. It was also the end. The only fish brought to hand by
Team Dirtbag that day. I took shots at a couple more fish on the flat as the morning
wore on. One even turned on my fly, looked up at me, flipped me the bird and
slowly swam away. Crickets.
The Beast and I moved
around and covered a lot of water in the final two hours. It just wasn’t to be.
Over a beer back at the Jeep we agreed we had made the right decision on
staying put given the information we had. Then we argued about the best way
back to The Sand Bar and who was buying fish tacos.
And that was it. But
that’s what it’s like. Fishing is called fishing for a reason. With the
twenty-four hour fishing news cycle and real-time-from-the-water-posting that
technology and social media afford it can be easy to forget that there are
days you’re not going to catch anything. Nobody posts about those days.
Some days it’s epic.
Some days it’s just you and the water. You won’t know if you don’t go.
During the
festivities of the tournament I got a chance to hang out with my buddy Ben
Carmichael from New England on the Fly. For a better look at the Cheeky tournament
check out his write up here.
And please check out
The Beast’s retirement project at High Hook Wines. Look for and ask for his
wine at your favorite packy and restaurant.
Photo by Mud Dog Saltwater Flies |
The Wine Cellar
17 November 2015